"we can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them"
Albert Einstein
How exactly can you help us save money? This is very expensive, whats the financial gain? What are we getting for our money? and how can we help the environment if we have to help our pockets and our own survival first?
we help you change habits, we raise awareness and we give practical tips.
a simple example for basic practical tips on how to save money while saving lives would be to use half the amount of washing powder or to dilute dishwashing liquid to min 50/50 with water. you will be surprised that the cleanliness remains while you use exactly half of the amount of washing detergents you have been using til now. means also half of the amount of money, half the amount of pollution, half the amount of packaging, transportation, etc...
there is no place without dishes or laundry and therefore this tip goes for everyone. we have many more such tips in store and also answers to all the specific questions coming up.
a simple example of habit changing is tap water. you will find that (depending on where you live) it is often the same taste and quality like your bottled water, if not better, only it is free of cost and also free of packaging, transportation, etc...
for the deeper consultations: they are individualistic and local. each household, business, family have their own needs, possiblities and habits. we adapt to those.
"the world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything"
albert einstein
But i know where to get the cheapest products, make the best deals, save money by myself, why would i need you?
everything has its price, if its just cheap, someone and/or something else is usually paying the price and sooner or later it gets back to us in one way or the other.
how is it possible that a shirt can cost only 120 nis or 40 euro considering that the cotton must have been grown, treated, processed, turned into yarn, turned into rolls of fabrics, dyed or bleached, the style must have been designed, the pattern must have been cut, the shirt must have been sewn and packed and published and sold and all the while there are people doing this earning their income? through industrialisation? what about the huge machines needed to produce hundreds of shirts at a time. what about their raw material, construction, transport, energy use and what about the people managing these machines?
basically: you can not avoid paying, if you are saving in the wrong end, you will pay later.
in fact we already started paying. with economical crisis, social uprisings and environmental disasters. and when an angry mob, a drought or a tornado pass your way, it doesnt help that you knew where to get the cheaper office supplies or how to make the big money by yourself.
we dont claim that we can avert the tornados or angry mobs, but...
more than anything we believe in individualism and selfresponsibility (including an awareness of oneness) and we can help you to be the individual who takes own responsibility not only for the moment and not only for your own bank account or closet but on the long run and for the well being of all.
i dont care about the price of things, i just want quality and to produce less trash.
good for you! and you can get this! if you dont care for the money, you can give the money we help you save to someone in need. win-win situation!
there is nothing wrong with my habits, why should i change them?
we all have something to learn, constantly, hopefully til the day we die.
if you live a "normal" life, which we hopefully all do more or less, there is definitely a lot wrong with your habits. we are not here to judge or critisise. we know this from own experience.
just think of the amount of pollution we are doing if we drive to work everyday. this might not to be avoided for you and at the present moment, but almost everything we do nowadays has a similar impact as driving a car. and there is a lot each one of us can get better at, for ourselves and the universe!
i have no time to occupy myself with these things
thats what we are here for.
for more questions and answers on sustainability click here
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