

    may you have a working business or a new project in mind or in progress - we meet you on-site and introduce you to sustainable options. from a basic consultation on immediate small steps to a full in depth guidance, including design, maintenance, economical and social aspects, we'll help you instantly be more sustainable and therefore more economical and more responsible towards your environment.  
    corporate social responsibility (csr) and environmental awareness is a must for today's financial markets and a great asset for every business.

    basic consultation: 
    3 x 1-2 hours meetings on site
    first meeting - we get to know your project/business, your needs and doubts
    second meeting - we come up with solutions, many of which you can instantly apply.
    third meeting - conclusions, open questions, development check
    price: 2200 nis / 580€
    in depth guidance: depending on the needs, possibilities and size of the project or business, a long time process (min. 6 months) will be applied after the basic consultation in which you will be able to actually DEVELOP and KEEP your business as a responsible profitable pleasure for you and your environment comprising our CLOSE GUIDANCE AND INVOLVEMENT
    price: tbd in accordance with timeline and extend of the project